Executive Coaching & Sparring  for Top Management
Executive Coaching & Sparring
for Top Management
'For the conductors of the bigger
and smaller orchestras'

Executive Coaching, C-Level Sparring

Individual executive coaching and C-level sparring has become increasingly popular in all industries in recent years. A new, fashionable hype?

Top athletes of the economy

Managers are like top athletes: they have to deliver top performance every day. Unlike executives, top athletes spend more than 90% of their time training. Top managers, on the other hand, experience almost exclusively only the emergency.

Executive Coaching is competition preparation!

For the "top athletes in business", the "training format" Personal Executive Coaching and Sparring has become more and more accepted as the most effective form of "competition preparation".

Only when the whole orchestra plays well together, great music is created that inspires the audience!

Executive Coaching has tradition!

Historical sparring partnerships

You can't see what you can't see. Leaders in earlier times, princes and kings, were also aware of this fact. The role of the court jester is an impressive testimony to these "sparring partnerships" for the purpose of reducing one's own "blind spots" and has centuries of tradition.

The independence of the executive coach

This cooperation, which is classic in its core function, is still proving to be extremely fruitful in everyday business life today. The reason for this is the independence of the sparring partner.

The benefit of an outside perspective

Unlike other interlocutors of the manager, an executive coach stands outside the system and is neither networked nor career-dependent on his client. Only with this independence and distance is it possible to be a value-creating feedback provider and reflection partner at eye level!

Coaching in VUCA times: Interview with David Kaspar

Topics in Executive Coaching

The contents of an Executive Coaching & Sparring are always tailor-made and based on the needs of the client. A list of common topics should give an impression of which contents can be worked on:

  • Strategic handling of politics and power
  • Developing your own Leadership Team
  • Influence and relationship management
  • Stakeholder management, external networking
  • Further development of personal leadership skills
  • Sovereignty: positioning, charisma, personal appearance
  • Sparring for complex decision-making issues
  • Personal branding: self-marketing, profile and profiling
  • Distinction, work-life balance, resilience & stress

Your personal executive coaches

Experience and business background counts!

We at KasparConsulting work as personal executive coaches and sparring partners with a lot of friends and great passion. Our target group includes executives from a wide range of companies, from middle management to top management (CEO, CFO, CMO, etc.). All our coaches have a business background and know themselves how it feels to make decisions and lead at the front line.

Our attitude - partner at eye level

As Executive Coaches & Transformation Consultants, we are your personal reflection and sparring partners at eye level. Clarity, focus and presence: these are the hallmarks of our work ethos.

Arrange an appointment to get to know each other without obligation

Arrange an initial non-binding online appointment with us: We look forward to helping you grow personally and professionally.

Executive Coaching in Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Munich

On site and online - In Stuttgart, Frankfurt and Munich

Our target group demands great flexibility. That's why we always coach & train on site! You decide whether in Stuttgart, Frankfurt or Munich. Or rather online via Skype, Zoom or Microsoft Teams.



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